Our sustainability projects in Vju Acting for the sake of the environment
[Binding guidelines for saving water and energy and for avoiding and separating waste, the economical use of cleaning agents that meet the latest ecological standards, the avoidance of small portion packaging for cosmetic products and at breakfast and the option for guests to decide whether their room should be cleaned or whether resources should be conserved. Wherever possible, we also use local suppliers. In our kitchen, we attach great importance to buying regional and seasonal food and carefully check the origin of our products. These are just some of the measures that we actively implement in our hotel.In addition, we participate in numerous environmental protection projects and are partners of various organizations:
Cork collection point
We have been participating in NABU's KOR campaign since 2020. The initiative of the nature conservation association organizes the collection of bottle corks in order to recycle the material. The project helps to preserve cork oak forests in the wintering grounds of cranes and to recover ecological insulation material. The Vju Hotel Rügen is very happy to be involved in this sustainable project. We not only collect corks from our daily operations, but also bottle corks from local businesses and private households. We deliver the corks to one of the main collection points at regular intervals.
Vju bees
Since October 7, 2020, there has been a beehive on the park grounds of the Vju Hotel Rügen. We are participating in the pilot project of the Mönchgut beekeeping Baumgarten "Help the bees - rent colonies with beekeepers". We have rented a beehive from the apiary, which is regularly looked after by beekeeper Marco Baumgarten. The project is about comprehensive, sustainable beekeeping and the establishment of a pollination network on the Mönchgut peninsula with the aim of promoting plant diversity and finding new ways to ensure stable beekeeping.
Our bees have been buzzing across the meadows of Nordperd since spring 2021. Within a radius of 2 to 5 km, they pollinate trees, flowers and vegetable plants. They also produce our own bee honey, which is available to buy in the Vju Shop.
Swallow-friendly house
For a long time, swallows were quite natural roommates. Unfortunately, the little summer messengers are finding less and less food and nesting opportunities. Not with us! We've noticed that the little skylarks love our façade with its roof overhangs, niches and rough plaster and are busy building their nests and raising their young here. That's exactly how it should be.
The German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) recognizes conservationists who maintain swallow nests on or in their buildings with a plaque and a certificate. We have been delighted with our "Swallow-friendly house" award since 2018.
Partner of the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve
The Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve covers an area of 228 km². It covers the south-east of the island of Rügen including the Mönchgut peninsula, the Bodden waters between Putbus and Thiessow, the outer coasts between Thiessow and Binz and the island of Vilm. All the landscape and coastal forms of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern coastal region are reflected here in a very small area. In addition to its unique natural features, the area is also unique for its cultural diversity.
The Office of the Biosphere Reserve has established a partner network. The aim of the partner project is to establish sustainable tourism in the UNESCO Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve. This should take into account both nature conservation and the economic development of the region.
The Vju Hotel Rügen has been a partner of the project since 2012, not least because we feel a particularly close connection to the region's unique natural and cultural landscapes. We want to help ensure that the natural wealth of the biosphere reserve region is preserved for us and our descendants. As a partner, we are committed to supporting and communicating the biosphere reserve concept in our daily work.
Viabono contract hotel
Viabono is the leading specialist organization for environmental and sustainability certification in the leisure and tourism industry. As part of the certification of hotel operations, the key figures in the areas of final energy, CO₂, water and residual waste are determined. We are delighted that the Vju Hotel Rügen has received the Viabono award for environmentally and climate-friendly travel for several years now.

Regional products
In our kitchen, we value regional and seasonal food. That's why we buy as often as possible from regional producers who impress with their sustainable concepts and quality. Here is a selection:
The milk from Poseritz cows has been processed in the Poseritz dairy on the island of Rügen since 1998. Daily grazing, a modern cowshed and excellent management ensure healthy cows and the best milk quality. The fresh milk is processed gently. This preserves the valuable ingredients. All products such as yoghurt, quark and buttermilk are natural and not heat-treated.
Frank Birnbaum & Fred Kruse have learned fishing from the bottom up. Their fish comes exclusively from sustainable fisheries that conserve stocks, whereby the respective fishing area and the fishing methods used are always known. Personal contact with the fishermen makes it possible to deliver the very best quality. The short distances between the fishing grounds and processing guarantee absolute quality.
The Wolters family from the Uckerland produce the UckerKaas. With the exception of brief heating, no further treatment of the milk takes place. The feed for the cows is almost exclusively home-grown. The cows move freely, have free access to water and can rest in the straw-lined cubicles.
For our future
It is not only the special location in the middle of the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve that makes sustainability a particular focus of our hotel. A natural paradise like this must be preserved for future generations under all circumstances and we want to make an active contribution to this. The theme therefore runs like a red thread through the entire concept of our hotel.
If you have any questions or ideas, please contact us at +49 (0) 38308 51 5 or by e-mail.