Increase your well-being Therapeutic fasting and health offers on Rügen
Self-care is more than just a temporary time-out - it's a life principle. Our offers, workshops and seminars are designed to provide you with tools and techniques for daily self-care. Consciously take time for yourself and not only increase your physical well-being, but also boost your mental strength.
Discover the variety of our offers, which we realize with various providers from all over Germany, and invest in your health and well-being.
On our fasting trips, you will discover the transformative power of therapeutic fasting, a proven method for detoxifying and revitalizing body and mind. Our experienced fasting guide will support you in breaking away from old habits, optimizing your metabolism and gaining new energy. During our fasting vacation, we offer you the ideal environment to focus on your health and gain new perspectives.
Our coaching services are designed to support you in your personal development, be it in coping with stress, strengthening your self-awareness or developing effective stress management strategies. Health begins in the mind, and we are here to guide you on this path.

With KALE & ME Fasting retreat
5 days of Buchinger fasting in beautiful surroundings, far away from everyday life, plus exciting workshops, yoga classes and wellness offers. Supervision is provided by medically certified fasting instructors
Next date: 07.10. - 13.10.2024

With EAT-MINDE-MOVE Fasting hike
6 overnight stays with full fasting meals according to Dr. Buchinger or gourmet interval alkaline fasting, guided hiking excursions, Tai Chi, gentle yoga, specialist lectures on fasting and the post-fasting period. Accompanied by Dipl. Des. Christiane Munck, medically certified fasting instructor (Malteser Weckbecker Klinik)
.Next date: 24.11. - 30.11.2024

With YOGAMAR Fasting-Walking-Yoga
5 overnight stays and fasting according to Buchinger, joint hikes through the beauty of Rügen, yoga sessions and daily feedback sessions with fasting support from the YOGAmar Rügen team
all year round, arrival Sunday, departure Friday, minimum participants 4

With Ines Wegner Resilience workshop for women
Weekend seminar exclusively for women with practical strategies and techniques to improve your resilience and increase your mental strength. The workshop is organized and accompanied by Ines Wegner and Petra Weber-Schön, certified resilience trainers.
Dates: 21.11. - 24.11.2024

With ROYAL LEBEN Time-out mentoring
Ending the cycle of stress in relationships, work and health & being completely yourself - Korinna Heintze & her team show stressed executives how to master their energy levels so that they can achieve their life & leadership goals free and happy inside. No matter what storm is currently raging somewhere.
Date: 12.11. - 17.11.2024