arcona Hotels & Resorts end insolvency
Rostock, June 27, 2024 - arcona Hotels & Resorts has undergone a comprehensive restructuring over the past seven months and was able to divest operations on Rügen (arcona Living First Sellin), in Thuringia (Romantik Hotel Auf der Wartburg) and Austria (Triforêt) during this phase. This made a significant contribution to restoring the company's economic performance.

At the creditors' meetings of arcona Hotels & Resorts on June 26, 2024, the insolvency plans of the self-administered companies were approved without dissenting votes in all proceedings.
This paves the way for arcona to take off again into a positive future after this challenging restructuring. The consequences of the corona pandemic, the energy crisis and the effects of inflation throughout Germany have caused considerable losses for the group, which was very expansive at the time, and ultimately led to insolvency under self-administration in November last year.
"We are pleased that our partners have remained loyal to us even in this difficult phase and that we were able to take the path of self-administration. The plans of our operating companies provide for payments to the creditors, which are also made up of shares of future profits and thus provide the creditors with a significantly better satisfaction than our liquidation," says Alexander Winter, Managing Director of arcona Hotels & Resorts.
She was supported in this process by Michael Busching and Nils Krause from Ecovis Rechtsanwälte in Rostock and Hamburg and their team. The proceedings were accompanied by the trustee Ulrike Hoge-Peters from HGW Rechtsanwälte
Photo material for download can be found HERE.
Image rights: arcona Hotels & Resorts
About arcona Hotels & Resorts
Founded in 2008, arcona Hotels & Resorts, based in Rostock, specializes in the operation and development of first-class leisure and vacation hotels. The twelve arcona hotels are currently located in properties, some of which are listed buildings, at well-known vacation destinations such as Rügen, Sylt and Kitzbühel. The portfolio includes the well-known Hotel Elephant Weimar, the traditional Romantik Hotel auf der Wartburg and the Schloss Teschow golf club.
arcona is pushing ahead with new projects in the Alps and on the German coast. As a licensee of the Barefoot concept developed by Til Schweiger, arcona also operates Barefoot Hotels at established destinations such as Mallorca, and another Barefoot is being planned in Bad Wiessee on Lake Tegernsee. The owners and partners of arcona are Alexander Winter and Treugast founder Prof. Stephan Gerhard. The company is based in the listed Zeeck'sche Villa in Rostock.