Date tip Summer cultural program at the Hotel Elephant Weimar
Weimar, 18.05.2022 - With the summer temperatures, the beautiful garden terrace will once again be included alongside the Lichtsaal at the Hotel Elephant Weimar - in May with a high-quality champagne tasting. There are also several lunch concerts and a matinée on the program - so that you can round off your experience on the terrace afterwards
The following events are planned:
Thursday, June 2, 2022, 12.30 pm: Lunch concert - a window into Bach's world: Young artists from the Institute for Early Music at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar offer a program all about Bach & Sons as well as baroque music of various styles.
Further concerts in the series will take place on June 9, 16, 23 and 30.
A lunch offer in the AnnA restaurant can be combined with the concerts.
Monday, June 6, 2022, 8 p.m.: Concert - Chamber Music Class: Students of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar present the wonderful world of instrumental music in small ensembles. From duos with piano to string quartets, they show the multifaceted richness of the original salon culture in Weimar.
The last concert in the series will take place on July 04, 2022.
Wednesday.15 June 2022, 8.00 pm: Live music - mittSTIMME: Singer Anja Mann and Erfurt pianist Vinzenz Heinze provide a musical time-out with a lovingly selected program of pop, rock and swing classics.
The ticket price includes a glass of sparkling wine (or an alcohol-free alternative).
Sunday, June 19, 2022, 11.00 a.m.: Concert matinée - Cranach anniversary: Vom Menschen with Friederike Vollert (recorders), Amandine Affagard (lute) and Hans Christian Martin (harpsichord): In the age of the Reformation, opposites collide: instead of the absolutization of church authority, Luther propagates "faith for all" and the focus is now increasingly on the individual. This is also reflected in the work of his contemporary Lucas Cranach. Instead of rigid chorales, the music contains new interpretations of secular dance songs. The Ensemble Weimar Baroque traces these tendencies in texts and pieces of music on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of Lucas Cranach the Elder.
The AnnA restaurant is offering a Cranach menu in 4 to 6 courses, which can be booked from May 21, 2022. This menu - in keeping with the Lucas Cranach exhibition in Weimar - will also be a culinary interpretation of the culture of the period.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 5 p.m.: Lecture: KunstLichtBlick. The cultural manager of the Hotel Elephant Weimar, Claudia Dell, gives an insight into the art collection of the Lichtsaal.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 7 p.m.: Elephant reading: Johanna Geißler reads "Lotte in Weimar" with wit and expression - a premiere at Hotel Elephant Weimar. As a Nobel Prize winner in literature and Goethe expert, Thomas Mann was a regular visitor to the Hotel Elephant in Weimar. In his novel "Lotte in Weimar", he created a literary monument to the hotel. In it, he writes about the late reunion between Goethe and Charlotte Kestner. Johanna Geißler is an actress at the Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar.
The admission price includes a drink during the interval. A Madeira, Goethe's favorite drink, will be served. A non-alcoholic alternative is also available.
The detailed cultural program can be found at A program booklet is available at the hotel.
Further information on the culinary events can be found at:
Tickets are available at the hotel and at
Further information and images are available here: or
Images accompanying the press release can be found here. Photo credits: arcona HOTELS & RESORTS.
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Hotel Elephant Weimar, Autograph Collection
The Hotel Elephant Weimar in the heart of the classic city is one of the most historic and renowned hotels in Germany. Operated by arcona HOTELS & RESORTS, the traditional hotel opened as an Autograph Collection hotel in October 2018 after extensive renovation. Under this brand, Marriott unites exceptional, hand-picked hotels with a unique perspective on design, craftsmanship and hospitality under the premise "exactly like nothing else". The unmistakable charm of the boutique hotel is characterized by timelessly elegant design as well as classic art deco and building elements, which are showcased in 99 comfortable rooms and suites, the conference rooms and the public areas.
In the Lichtsaal, the heart of the hotel, the focus is on the multifaceted cultural program and the hotel's own art collection. Guests will find authentic and uncomplicated enjoyment in the stylish AnnA restaurant as well as in the bar and wine bar. Today more than ever, the Hotel Elephant Weimar is a place of open encounters and, as a hotspot and living room of the city, inspires travelers as well as locals and visitors to the region. Anyone who enters this place can feel it.
About arcona
Founded in 2008, arcona Hotels & Resorts, based in Rostock, specializes in the operation and development of first-class leisure and vacation hotels. The eight arcona hotels are currently located in properties, some of which are listed buildings, at well-known vacation destinations such as Rügen, Sylt and Kitzbühel. The portfolio includes the well-known Hotel Elephant Weimar, the traditional Romantik Hotel auf der Wartburg and the Schloss Teschow golf club. arcona is pushing ahead with new projects in the Alps and on the German coast.
As a licensee of the Barefoot concept developed by Til Schweiger, arcona also plans to open Barefoot Hotels at established destinations in the coming years, including Bad Wiessee on Lake Tegernsee. The owners and partners of arcona are Alexander Winter and Treugast founder Prof. Stephan Gerhard. The company is based in the listed Zeeck'sche Villa in Rostock.
Further images and information can be found at